Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Daily update

Starting from now onward, I will update here daily . Since people say blogging is a habit to be ingrained to one's routine as you may find it hard to speak out something face to face to someone or you are frequently to have expressions that you can't explain in verbal, thus blogging will definitely and undeniably act as your alternative . I'm person whose emotions vary from time to time. In the past I was totally a 'dark-face-creature' called by my friends. Anyway, they said I've changed much better now . However, the trouble and difficulty in spilling words out still exist , therefore I need a blog , so essential. As for today, everything was seemingly usual . But I guess I had a difference . Cracking broken jokes , teased and fooled around , I was showing the genuine me . Those acts which are totally not giving great sight , I've done all. Friends said I'm not the real me today, who is supposed to be cool and quiet, looking things happen around in the deep and quiet eyes. Is it? I never knew I given them such impression? I thought I'm a good joker instead. Well, doesn't matter since I've finally showed what kind of person I am . Not one who looks manifested with sever depression but shining bright with stupid behaviors in order to create a maximum joys for people. Disregard the frustrations , we human have too less time to think enjoy happiness in life, so be grateful whenever you had one and cherish them. Once it past, then it is. Suffice to say, don't let the unhappy incidents to get over your head, put them behind and continue look for the delighting ones . WELL WELL WELL, have no idea for all these things written. I'm in the insanity , incurable , guess that only sleeping heals. GOODNIGHT !!1 =)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today, I'm going to share one funny incident that happened to me in the class before English paper 2 started. It goes by this way, the relief teacher came in , then began to distribute the test papers to every student sitting on first row, ONLY. For ur information, d paper was likely to start at 10.45 which was right after recess. So , a few of them had not come back in time yet. The girl infront of me ,who is sitting the first seat in my row, was one who came in late . The teacher told that we were stll nt allow to touch on the papers distributed before further inform. Well,since the papers were on her desk, right infront of me....suddenly a thought appeared . " How if I go front and check out the questions first? Or just flip over enough. " Without further thinking I did according to my will, it was too voluntary . As I opened the first page , the teacher immediately caught her sight at me and screamed . At that instant , I was like... " Huh!? What da heck I'm doing , how could I really act against the regulation stated by teacher just now? " How funny...damn.. So everyone in class stared at me , for a moment it was all silent..Gosh, I was damn awkward for a short while but I remained giggling . A way to overcome the embarrassing situation and made it return to normal. Later, the teacher strongly emphasized on a few rules and regulations once more and this time he took me as an example of defiance . Damn.. it was truly not me to do that under conscious, I guess I was haunted somehow. Haha... so, the test started and ended in an unreasonably hot day . Stressful? Maybe you can try to sweat them out . GOODLUCK !

Monday, May 6, 2013


其实这些事实我早已经知道,只是日复一日地假扮傻子装作从来都不知道。  “只有坚持才会成功, 只要经得起时间的洗礼岁月无情的切割 由始至终都不变心 上天总看得见 你的坚持总会开花结果”  类似的句子常常在阅读报刊的文稿时都会有 但其意义又那么的切确 那么错不了?  思想还为完全成熟的我 被摆在眼前的事实与一直存在心中的坚持弄得混淆了  是否该退一步昂望星空 发现其实还有那么多正闪烁着的星星 分分秒秒都在夜里洋溢着笑容 等待我一一分辩她们谁才是属于我的星?  抑或该持续追逐那开始就被看上的明月 付出更多努力 对有天必能拥有它深信不惑  这回我真地慌了 或许我太倾于把注意力,一切一切都建构与周围的人事物罢了 而忽略了其他 但与这些人事物的日夜相对 产生一丝丝感情 对于这点我也束手无策 这是自然不过的  质疑着自己的耐力 恨不得能马上飞去未来时光 让我看清到最后 究竟紧握手掌心的是皎洁如爱的明月 还是闪亮如金的星星 无可奈何 前方的路到头来只能由亲身探索 得到的答案才称得起值得 继续前进吧。。有天我会懂的  我慌了 但我没乱  

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Huge day tomorrow for the country ,the 13th General Election if I'm not mistaken.It might be the historical moment where our country will turn into a new leaf, or don't. Dad must be the most exciting person since he is extremely active in political issues . Well , due to underage we students are the outsiders in this matter, none of our business. It's just another ordinary day to live through. May GOD bless a smooth and clean process on tomorrow. May now, no much time to waste . The pressure shouldering weighs twice more than a big stone. Almost unbearable yet I'm still capable. Exam is ongoing, again will be mental killing. Fatigue . So meaningless.